
Vedic Astrology is incomplete without “Yagya”. Yagya is a precise Vedic performance. Astrology gives the diagnosis of problems but does not solve it. When a Vedic astrologer does a consultation, he also recommends if necessary the Yagyas to avert any danger or to enhance the success of any undertaking. A Vedic astrologer can foresee in the birth chart when life will be under unfavorable influences and will recommend Yagyas to counteract these influences.

Diseases, accident, lack of success in professional life, disharmony in marriage or any other problems can be improved upon or avoided. A Yagya performed before the danger arises can help to effectively neutralize negative influences so that they do not reach the individual and life remains in tune with the laws of nature.

Yagya is Vedic performance involved with primordial sounds performed by traditional Vedic Pandits (scholars) trained in this knowledge. The primordial sound creates harmonious vibrations around that person and thus helps to overcome the imbalances caused by the planets. These Yagyas are covering all areas of our lives.

Sometimes recommended Yagyas influence to correct negative vibrations when required but it also happens that more Yagyas influences are needed than recommended Yagyas. This is why at the time of recommending Yagyas it is also mentioned that Yagyas be performed repeatedly from time to time.

It is also to be noted that black magic/ bad energy tries to block all the positive energy/ influences and it tries to harm health, activities, work, relations etc. Therefore it is necessary to perform Yagya from time to time repeatedly.

Some additional information:

Special Yagya periods:


You should try to do the following during the performance of Yagya:

  1. During the Yagya it is better to be more introverted, focus on your TM-Siddhi program, read spiritual books, be close to nature etc.
  2. Watching TV should be avoided except spiritual program. Out word activity should be minimize but it does not mean to avoid your important work (like daily work/ job/ profession/ business).
  3. Also it is good to take simple and easily digestible vegetarian food. You should not drink and follow the rules of routine life.
  4. You should develop positive attitude and think positively.
  5. During Yagya time it’s better to listen related chanting or/and perform meditations, if you learned it from your Gurus or knowledgeable/certified instructors.

You can listen the following chantings/stotras:

  1. During Ve planet (Sk) Yagya you can listen MahaLaxmi Stotram https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFq_qcSQXWo.
    Guru Mantra and MahaLaxmi Mantra during Chandra and Shukra Yagya. You can listen Devi Kavacham (Devya Kavacham, Durga Kavacham, Chandi Kavacham all name is same) during both Yagyas
  2. Devya Kavacham (Chandi Kavacham/ Devi Kavacham/ Durga Kavacham) can be listen during Nine Days of Mother Divine in October and also you chant (MahaLaxmi) Mantra minimum 5 Mala:
    1. Devi Kavacham (The Armour — the many forms of the Goddess Durga) — with English translation  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDuYosZQixw
    2. Devi Kavach – Part 1 by Pt. B. Subramanian  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5mepc-_kvY&list=PL56B5966982BEB05B and Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7Q6BsEKo1I&index=2&list=PL56B5966982BEB05B
  3. During Jupiter (Gu) Yagya it is better to chant a Guru Mantra (what was given to you by your spiritual Guru) or OM BRIM BRIHASPATAYE NAMAH. Both are good during Guru Yagya than listening VishnuSahasra Nam. During driving time you can listen Vishnu Sahastra Nam, etc.


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