
General information about gems in Jyotish:

  1. Ruby for Sun (Surya/ Ravi), set in gold, should be worn in the right hand (ladies can wear any hand), ring finger or pendent, start bearing on Sunday.
    Sun (Surya/Ravi) Mantra:       OM GHRINI SURYAYA NAMAH.
  2. Pearl gems of Moon (Chandra/ Soma), set in silver, should be worn in the right hand (ladies can wear any hand), ring finger or pendent, start bearing on Monday.
    Moon (Chandra) Mantra:     OM SOM SOMAY NAMAH.
  3. Coral gems of Mars (Mangal/ Kuja), set in gold, should be worn in the right hand (ladies can wear any hand), ring or index finger or pendent, start bearing on Tuesday.
    Mars (Mangal/Kuja) Mantra:            Om Ang Angaarkaaya Namaha.
  4. Emerald (Onex) gems of Mercury (Budha) – set in gold, should be worn in the right hand (ladies can wear any hand), little finger or pendent, start wearing on Wednesday.
    Mercury (Budha) Mantra:    OM BUM BUDHAY NAMAH.
  5. Yellow sapphire (Golden Topaz) gems of Jupiter (Guru/ Brihaspati) – set in gold, should be worn in the right hand (ladies can wear any hand), index finger or pendent, start bearing on Tuesday.
    Jupiter (Guru) Mantra:          OM BRIM BRIHASPATAYE NAMAH.
  6. Diamond (Opel) gems of Venus (Shukra) – set in platinum or white gold or silver, should be worn in the right hand (ladies can wear any hand), middle finger or pendent, start wearing on Friday.
    Venus (Shukra) Mantra:       OM SHUM SHUKRAY NAMAH.
  7. Blue Sapphire (Neeli) gems of Saturn (Shani) – set in Silver, should be worn in the right hand (ladies can wear any hand)middle finger or pendent, start wearing on Saturday.
    Saturn (Shani) Mantra:         OM SHAM SHANISHCHARAY NAMAH.

Approximate price for gems from India (from 5 to 6.5 carats each), including delivery by Fedex to Canada/USA (just for Jyotish remedy purposes only). The price is in USD and subject to change:

  1. Natural Ruby – 400, natural/ real but not transparent.
  2. Pearl –                 400, very good clear & high quality.
  3. Coral –                 450, very good clear & high quality.
  4. Onex –                 350, very good clear & high quality.
  5. Golden Topaz – 350, very good clear & high quality.
  6. Opel –                  400, very good clear & high quality.
  7. Neeli –                 400, very good clear & high quality.

Gems Cleaning procedure:

You should clean Gems about 1 time a month, better during a Full Moon time in non-boiled fresh milk (better Organic one). You should put it into a glass with milk before go to sleep. In the morning, better before sunrise remove your gems from milk and wash it in fresh water.

Note: If you have a ring or pendent with Coral, then it is better do not put pendent or ring for the whole night in milk, because Coral like a wood can be damaged. So you put it in milk early morning  for about 1 hour or even less and after that you should clean Coral by fresh water.

After cleaning gems you should chant planetary Mantras (see above). If you have several gems in a pendent (or cleaned several gems), then you should chant for each gem/planet (Surya, Chandra, Mangal, Guru, etc.) appropriate mantra minimum 108 times Japa.

1 Response to Gems

  1. Roy Hankonen says:

    Please include the carat size for the above prices

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