Pushkara Navamansha

The following sign`s degree are called Pushkara Navamansha:

  1. in sign of Aries, leo and Sagittarius:
    1. 7th Navamansha– Libra ie from 20:00 to 23.20 degree.
    2. 9th Navamansha– Sagittarius ie from 26:40 to 30:00.
  2. Taurus, virgo and Capricorn sign-
    1. 3rd Navamansha– Pisces ie from 6:40 to 10:00.
    2. 5th Navamansha– Taurus ie from 13:20 to 16:40.
  3. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius sign-
    1. 6th Navamansha– Pisces ie from 16:40 to 20:00.
    2. 8th Navamansha– Taurus ie from 23:20 to 26:40.
  4. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces sign-
    1. 1st Navamansha– Cancer ie from 00:00 to 3:20.
    2. 3rd Navamansha– Virgo ie from 6:40 to 10:00.

In Pushkara Navamansha planets gives good effect but same time strong degree and good sign (friendly sign/ own or exalted) is also necessary. Without good degree, good sing any Yoya not gives effect.

From other sources ( [Om Krishna Guru] miscellaneous topics, October 6, 2015 at 05:28:03 PDT):

  • ​Pushkara Navāṁśa indicates the blessing of Brahmā or Sarasvatī​ to give life. There is a lot of creative energy and this ensures that whatever issue exists, death or disease does not happen. But that doesn’t hinder debilitation from giving effects.
  • Vargottama will always give good results.

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